Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Prevention of Hemorrhoids

Prevention of hemorrhoids includes drinking more fluids, eating more fiber, exercising, practicing better posture, and reducing bowel movement strain and time.
The following practices can help:
  • Eat high-fiber foods. Eat more fruits, vegetables and grains. Doing so softens the stool and increases its bulk, which will help lessen the straining that can cause hemorrhoids. Limit your intake of low- or no-fiber foods, such as ice cream, soft drinks, cheese, white bread, and red meat.
  • Drink plenty of liquids. The exact amount of water and other fluids you should drink each day varies and depends on your age, sex, health, activity level and other factors. Avoid liquids that contain caffeine (such as coffee and tea) or alcohol. These liquids may cause dehydration, which can lead to constipation.
  • Consider fiber supplements. Over-the-counter products such as Metamucil and Citrucel can help keep stools soft and regular. Check with your doctor about using stool softeners. If you use fiber supplements, be sure to drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water or other fluids every day. Otherwise, fiber supplements can cause constipation or make constipation worse. Add fiber to your diet slowly to avoid problems with gas.
  • Exercise. Stay active to reduce pressure on veins, which can occur with long periods of standing or sitting, and to help prevent constipation. Exercise can also help you lose excess weight.
  • Avoid long periods of standing or sitting. If you must sit for long periods, don't use an inflatable doughnut cushion to pad your chair. It can increase the pressure on the veins in the anus. Always stand and walk during your breaks at work and try to stand and walk at least 5 minutes every hour.
  • Avoid straining during bowel movements. Straining and holding your breath when trying to pass a stool creates greater pressure in the veins in the lower rectum.
  • Avoid reading or spending excess time on the toilet. If it takes you more than 3-5 minutes to have a bowel movement, then something is wrong. Reading in the bathroom is considered a bad idea, because it adds to the time one spends on the toilet and may increase the strain placed on the anal and rectal veins.
  • Go as soon as you feel the urge. Do not delay or try to prevent a bowel movement when the urge is present. If you wait to pass a bowel movement and the urge goes away, your stool could become dry and be harder to pass.
  • Train your digestive tract to have regular bowel movements. Schedule a 10-minute period to sit on the toilet at approximately the same time each day. The best time to do this is usually right after a meal.
  • Avoid the overuse of laxatives, type of medication that affects the bowels, because they may cause diarrhea, which can irritate hemorrhoids. Use laxatives only when absolutely necessary.
  • Keep the area around the anus clean and dry.
  • Wipe gently. Blot the anus gently with white toilet paper moistened with water or a cleansing agent (such as Balneol) after bowel movements. Baby wipes or other premoistened towels (such as Tucks) are also useful for this purpose.
  • Avoid rubbing the anal area. You can rinse off in the shower or on a bidet instead of wiping yourself with toilet paper. Cool water washing provides instant relief for nagging pains and discomfort. After cleansing, gently pat the anal area dry with a soft, absorbent towel or cloth.
  • Soap or toilet paper that is perfumed may irritate the anal area and should be avoided, as should excessive cleaning, rubbing, or wiping of that area. Use a soothing wipe, such as baby wipes or witch hazel pads, to clean after each bowel movement and to ease the pain.

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Hemorrhoids Uncovered - Part III

Hemorrhoids Home-Based Remedies

Home treatment is the first step in treating hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can often be effectively dealt with by dietary and lifestyle changes. Home treatment includes adjusting your diet to avoid constipation, using a stool softener, or using ointments to relieve symptoms.
  • Sitz baths. A sitz bath is a warm water bath for the buttocks and hips (the name comes from the German “sitzen,” meaning “to sit”). It can relieve itching, irritation, and spasms of the sphincter muscle. Most experts recommend a 20-minute sitz bath after each bowel movement and two or three times a day in addition. Take care to gently pat the anal area dry afterward; do not rub or wipe hard.
  • Ice packs. Putting cold packs on the anus for short durations help reduce swelling and pain. It can also provide relief from the itching and burning experienced even if it is only temporary.
  • Medications. Hemorrhoidal creams or suppositories can relieve pain, reduce swelling, protect skin and/or reduce bleeding. Creams that contain hydrocortisone can be used for itching or pain.
  • High-fiber diet. Fiber shows a consistent beneficial effect for relieving hemorrhoid symptoms and bleeding. Fruit, leafy vegetables, and whole-grain breads and cereals are good sources of fiber. Another fiber source is Metamucil, which can take up to a week to work. Fiber and bran retain water in the stool, producing soft, bulky stools which are easier to pass and reduce the tendency to develop hemorrhoids.
  • Fluids. Drink 6 to 8 eight ounce glasses of water each day to help keep stools soft.
  • Bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are a type of plant compound that stabilizes and strengthens blood vessel walls and decreases inflammation. They have been found to reduce anal discomfort, pain, and anal discharge during an acute hemorrhoid attack.
  • Keep the anus and hemorrhoids as dry as possible, using talcum powder and a pad of soft tissue to absorb moisture.
  • Do not strain during bowel movements. Trying to force a bowel movement can make hemorrhoids worse and straining for more than 5 minutes can be harmful. Try not to stay on the toilet any longer than necessary.
  • Don’t scratch. While scratching can make a hemorrhoid feel temporarily better, scratching can damage the walls of the veins and create more problems.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hemorrhoids Uncovered - Part II

Identify your situation, then click HERE for Part III of Hemorrhoids Uncovered series, the home natural remedies for hemorrhoids treatment.

Hemorrhoids Uncovered - Part I

Hemorrhoids causes and risk factors
Precisely why hemorrhoids develop is unknown. The major contributing factor appears to be too much pressure on the veins in the rectum. If the pressure continues, the veins become enlarged and protrude.
A common cause and risk factors of hemorrhoids include:
  • Constipation.
    Constipation is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. This is because constipated individuals tend to consistently strain to evacuate their bowels, increasing pressure in the rectum.
  • Diarrhea.
    Frequent diarrhea can be caused by illness, diet, disease, and the misuse of laxatives.
  • Genetic predisposition (heredity).
    Because the tendency to develop hemorrhoids seems to run in families, doctors believe that at least part of the risk for hemorrhoids is genetic (inherited).
  • Overuse of laxatives.
    Frequent use of laxative may result in diarrhea, and increase your likelihood of getting hemorrhoids.
  • Pregnancy and labor.
    Hemorrhoids are a common, usually temporary problem among pregnant women caused by hormonal changes and increased pressure by the growing fetus which forces the veins to work harder to pump blood. During labor, hemorrhoids may develop because of the intense pressure on the anal area while pushing to deliver the baby.
  • Chronic venous insufficiency.
    Hemorrhoids can be a sign of general weakness in the veins. Contributing factors are standing or sitting for long periods, being overweight, not exercising enough, and smoking.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease.
    Ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease may be the underlying cause of hemorrhoids.
  • Portal hypertension.
    Increased pressure within the portal vein blood from the intestines to the liver. Liver cirrhosis (scarring) is the most common cause.
  • Aging.
    Starting in the thirties, there is a progressive weakening of the support structures in the area. Half of people who are older than 50 seek treatment for hemorrhoids.
  • Excessive pressure.
    On the veins in the pelvic and rectal area causes hemorrhoids. As pressure increases, blood pools in veins and causes them to swell, stretching the surrounding tissue and forming hemorrhoids.
  • Being overweight.
    Excess weight, especially in the abdomen and pelvis, may increase pressure on pelvic veins.· Spending long periods of time on the toilet (like reading).
  • Prolonged sitting or standing.
    This may cause blood to pool in the anal area and increase pressure on the veins.
  • Frequent heavy lifting.
    This can cause a sudden increase of pressure in blood vessels.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Eating a low-fiber diet.
  • Low daily intake of fluids.

However, some people will have none of these conditions and still develop hemorrhoids. Humans are prone to hemorrhoids because erect posture puts a lot of pressure on the veins in the anal region.

Identify your condition in Part II of Hemorrhoids Uncovered series, click HERE.